Committees at Fullerton College

To support effective communication, this webpage provides access to committee minutes and membership. View a current list of committees below, click on a committee name for more information, agendas, meeting minutes and more.

This website is updated on Monday and Thursday afternoons by the Office of Campus Communications. Representatives from the various committees may email minutes, agendas, meeting schedules, and rosters to Documents must be received by 3 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays to be posted those days.

Committees and Subcommittees

President’s Advisory Council

The President’s Advisory Council (PAC) serves as the central, participatory governance council of the college. The following are subcommittees of PAC:

Diversity Advisory Committee

The Diversity Advisory Committee works with the campus to develop, recommend, and assess appropriate policies, programs and strategies to achieve a diverse, inclusive and just campus. They are responsible for making recommendations to the President’s Advisory Council on diversity issues that affect the Fullerton College community.

Planning & Budget Steering Committee

The purpose of the Planning & Budget Steering Committee (PBSC) is to make recommendations to the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) regarding planning and matters related to Fullerton College’s fiscal resource allocations.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee assesses existing practices and programs, identifies opportunities for growth, and makes recommendations on best practices.

Faculty Senate

The Fullerton College Faculty Senate represents faculty interests and views in academic and professional matters in the College and District. The following are subcommittees of Faculty Senate:

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee facilitates the development of curriculum and academic policies connected to curriculum.

Distance Education Advisory Committee

The Distance Education Advisory Committee defines a common vision for distance education at the College. It establishes goals and charts the coordinated implementation of distance learning across the campus.

Faculty Allocation Committee

The purpose of the Faculty Allocation Committee is to prioritize faculty hires according to campus-wide needs. When new faculty positions are allocated, the requests of all divisions are submitted to the Deans’ Council.

Honors Program Advisory Committee

The Honors Program Advisory Committee oversees the activities of the Fullerton College Honors Program and advises the Honors Program Coordinator on policy changes and improvements.

Program Review and Planning Committee

The Program Review and Planning Committee promotes and supports the systematic self-assessment of instructional programs, student support services, and administrative/operational areas throughout the college.

Student Learning Outcome and Assessment Committee

The mission of the SLOA Committee is to nurture a culture of improvement by facilitating student learning outcomes assessment methods across the institution

Dual Reporting Committees

These Fullerton College Standing Committees have dual reporting structures whereby they report to both the President’s Advisory Council and the Faculty Senate.

Accreditation Steering Committee

The Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) is responsible for all aspects of the accreditation process at Fullerton College.

Campus Collaborations Committee

Chairs and leads for campus committees, projects, and programs regularly share information about their work to identify intersections and meet to discuss working collaboratively toward common outcomes in support of the campus strategic plan. 

Guided Pathways Steering Committee

The Pathways Steering Committee (PSC) was created to organize and oversee campus work on Guided Pathways. The PSC is composed of eight instructional faculty, eight managers, four classified professionals, and two students. The PSC reports to both the Faculty Senate and the President’s Advisory Council.

Institutional Integrity Committee

Regularly evaluates and makes recommendations on the College’s policies, processes, practices, procedures, and publications in order to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the College’s planning and decision-making process and its alignment with the College’s mission.

Professional Learning Committee

Plans, develops, coordinates, reviews and evaluates the College’s professional development activities, supporting the professional learning needed for Fullerton College educators.

Strategic Enrollment and Retention Committee


Student Equity and Achievement Committee

Provides leadership advocacy, and the institutional guidance and vision for coordinating campus-wide student success efforts affecting basic skills, transfer, Career Technical Education, completion, diversity, and equity at Fullerton College.

Study Abroad Committee

Selects faculty members to teach in Study Abroad Programs, recruits and select students to participate in study abroad, selects appropriate sites for the program, and coordinates with Cypress College.

Campus Technology Committee

Campus Technology Committee (CTC) is charged with creating policies and providing recommendations for campus technology uses that improve student success and educational experiences at Fullerton College.

Classified Senate

The Fullerton College Classified Senate represents classified staff interests and views for participation in governance of the college.